Lynn Street Shift
When I started this consulting gig in July of 2016, some friends, also current or reforming consultants, gave me a few bits of advice...
On A La Carte & Clever
As some of you know, I started my career at Discovery, not in the education group but in the affiliate division. Affiliate sales (now...
2018 Education Conferences
Conferences can be the linchpin of a sales and marketing strategy. We also know that they can be a tremendous time and funding suck. In...
Building the Plane in the Air
I can't remember who showed us this EDS advertisement but it is at least 10 years old and is such a great analogy for the work we do here...
Bridge Over the Swamp - Welcome to the 'Lynn Street Post'
Annie Howell, a former Discovery colleague of mine, launched her own communications and PR firm, The Punch Point Group, in June of 2015,...